
Engaging Title Here

Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!

Click Me!

Engaging Title Here

Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!

Click Me!

Engaging Title Here

Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!

Click Me!

Engaging Title Here

Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!

Engaging Title Here

Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!

Engaging Title Here

Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!


[callout type="left" title="Engaging Title Here" message="Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!" button_text="Click Me!" href="#example"]
[callout type="center" title="Engaging Title Here" message="Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!" button_text="Click Me!" href="#example"]
[callout type="right" title="Engaging Title Here" message="Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!" button_text="Click Me!" href="#example"]
[callout type="left" title="Engaging Title Here" message="Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!" button_text="Find Out More!" button_icon="thumbs-up" circle="true" href="#example"]
[callout type="center" title="Engaging Title Here" message="Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!" button_text="Find Out More!" button_icon="thumbs-up" circle="true" href="#example"]
[callout type="right" title="Engaging Title Here" message="Add in your content here. Make sure that it is something super duper awesome to get people to click on the button below!" button_text="Find Out More!" button_icon="thumbs-up" circle="true" href="#example"]


  • id: add a unique ID to the shortcode.
  • class: add a class or multiple classes to the shortcode.
  • style: add inline styles to the shortcode.
  • type: “left,” “center,” or “right.”
  • title: enter in your title for the callout.
  • message: enter in your message for the callout.
  • button_text: enter in your text for the button.
  • button_icon: enter in the unique identifier of the icon you want to use for your selection.
  • circle: set to “true” to add a marketing circle around your button.
  • href: enter in your URL you would like the button to go to.
  • target: “blank” will open links in a new window.