

Take your product marketing to the next level with the [promo] shortcode! Easily add an image above by setting it in the shortcode, and then place whatever you want in here. The sky is the limit!



Take your product marketing to the next level with the [promo] shortcode! Easily add an image above by setting it in the shortcode, and then place whatever you want in here. The sky is the limit!

Click Me!


[promo image="https://yourdomain.com/image.jpg" alt="Example"] Your content here. [/promo]


  • id: add a unique ID to the shortcode.
  • class: add a class or multiple classes to the shortcode.
  • style: add inline styles to the shortcode.
  • image: enter in the URL to the image you want to feature.
  • alt: enter in the alt text for the image.