It was the most amazing WordPress theme I had ever seen. Such beauty. Such grace. Such elegance. She was everything I never knew I wanted and so much more. My beloved X will be with me always.Mr. WordPress
It was the most amazing WordPress theme I had ever seen. Such beauty. Such grace. Such elegance. She was everything I never knew I wanted and so much more. My beloved X will be with me always.Mr. WordPress
It was the most amazing WordPress theme I had ever seen. Such beauty. Such grace. Such elegance. She was everything I never knew I wanted and so much more. My beloved X will be with me always.Mr. WordPress


[blockquote cite="Mr. WordPress" type="left"]It was the most amazing WordPress theme I had ever seen. Such beauty. Such grace. Such elegance. She was everything I never knew I wanted and so much more. My beloved X will be with me always.[/blockquote]
[blockquote cite="Mr. WordPress" type="right"]It was the most amazing WordPress theme I had ever seen. Such beauty. Such grace. Such elegance. She was everything I never knew I wanted and so much more. My beloved X will be with me always.[/blockquote]
[blockquote cite="Mr. WordPress" type="center"][highlight type="light"]It was the most amazing WordPress theme I had ever seen.[/highlight] Such beauty. Such grace. Such elegance. She was everything I never knew I wanted and so much more. My beloved X will be with me always.[/blockquote]


  • id: add a unique ID to the shortcode.
  • class: add a class or multiple classes to the shortcode.
  • style: add inline styles to the shortcode.
  • type: accepts any text.
  • cite: “left,” “right,” or “center.”
  • Mix and match shortcodes as seen above!